Do you eat fresh, whole foods?
A healthy diet is a crucial component of overall wellness and disease prevention. Many health issues—including heart disease, arthritis, and cancer—are associated with a poor diet high in processed items, fatty meats, fried foods, saturated fat, sugar, and refined baked goods. Fresh, natural foods, on the other hand, offer a wealth of vitamins, minerals, protective antioxidants, and more. Zero in on fresh fruits and veggies, lean protein, and whole food carbs like brown rice and quinoa. Include nuts and seeds for valuable omega-3 fats.
Do you supplement essential nutrients?
Even if you consume a whole foods diet, you still may fail to obtain optimal levels of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and phytonutrients, especially if you’re highly active and/or under stress. Drugs, medications, alcohol and tobacco all deplete nutrients as well. You would be well advised to take, at minimum, a high-quality multi-vitamin/mineral supplement daily. If possible, add a daily fish oil capsule for brain and heart health, and probiotics for intestinal wellness.
Do you hydrate consistently?
You probably know by now that drinking enough water each day is vital for your body to function properly. While pure, distilled water is ideal, you can male up part of your daily 8-glass quota with caffeine-free tea (hot or iced) and sparkling water, as well as water-dense produce like melon, citrus fruits, lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers─even clear soups. Jazz up your water with a squeeze of lemon or lime, cucumber or fresh ginger slices. Try to add a glass of water for every alcoholic drink, soda, and cup of coffee you consume, as these are dehydrating beverages.
Do you move your body daily?
If you’re not a fitness buff, you’ll be glad to know that a little exercise goes a long way, as long as you’re consistent. So make that 30-minute walk with the dog or your kids a daily event. If you’re up for a more exertion, the benefits will match your efforts. Hit the gym, take a class, or work a DVD at home! 3-5 times weekly is fine. You may also like hiking, biking, tennis or swimming. The more avenues you cultivate, the better! Exercise improves your mood, alleviates stress, combats the blues, strengthens your heart and lungs, promotes weight loss, builds lean muscle mass, and boosts confidence and self-esteem!
Do you get adequate sleep?
Did you know that insomnia affects up to 10% of Americans? Restful, restorative sleep can elude most of us at times, especially with added factors like stress, caffeine, alcohol, drugs and medications. And yet, deep sleep is crucial for repairing daily wear and tear on the body, and dreaming is essential to brain health. If you have difficulty sleeping, look at possible causes before grabbing habit-forming pills. If you do need help, consider natural sleep aids like melatonin, valerian, or high-quality combination herbal formulas.
These are all valid question, dots that connect to form a pattern of optimal wellness. So ask away, even if you don’t have all the answers right now. Give it some thought. Remember, wellness is a journey, not a destination.